Agostina & Santiago

We exceptionally welcome to this 5th edition of our marathon the magnificent dancers Agostina Tarchini & Santiago Giachello. They will offer 6 classes. It's a real chance to receive these artists and we hope you will join the workshops with them !


Friday 27th October 2023 :
13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Workshop 1 : Connection, Breathing & Density
19 h - 20 h 20 Workshop 2 : Improvisation and Creativity

Saturday 28th October 2023 :
12 h - 13 h 20 Workshop 3 : Joy in Tango (Communication & Fantasy)
13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Workshop 4 : Milonga

Sunday 29th October 2023 :
12 h - 13 h 20 Workshop 5 : Vals
13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Workshop 6 : Combination of BARridas, boleos & ganchos

As with the marathon, a good experience of tango is required to participate in the workshops, which will all be intermediate level and above. They will be progressive in terms of difficulty so that
everyone has something to deepen or work on.

Workshops will be limited to 20 couples and once they are full, registrations will be closed without notice.

Priority will be given to participants of the Limouzi Tango Week-End. If there are places left on the workshops,
people will be able to register on site at the reception on the same day.